

400 food items tested
325 non-food items tested
Downloadable submission form to send with your hair sample
Your PDF report emailed to you detailing your results
28 day follow up program (NEW)
A helpful guide on how to perform an elimination diet
Our exclusive 19-page intolerance guide (sample)
Free 6 week food diary download

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Using the latest in bio-technology, the intolerance test uses your hair sample to test 400 different food and 325 different non-food items to see which of those items might cause you a reaction due to having an intolerance.

We will also give guidance on how your individual intolerances can be reduced or even eliminated completely.

For a full list of items tested for this test please click “What’s tested?” above.

The Test: Our Standard Test offers an analysis of 400 food items and 325 non-food items in one easy to understand report. Plus, you will receive a comprehensive guide helping you eliminate possible intolerances from your diet. PLUS, tests also include our exclusive nutrition and metals toxicity test. Get the full body analysis you’ve been looking for.

Quick & easy: Simple and secure payment, downloadable submission form and the results report of your potential allergies emailed to you in just 7-10 working days of receipt at our lab, usually 21 days in total including shipping to our test centre.

Our laboratories & Technology: Our Mars III bioresonance equipment is manufactured and listed as a medical scanning device class 11a.

100-guaranteePost-test support: On receipt of your test results you will also start to receive our 28 day follow up program. This comprehensive series of daily emails will provide you with additional advice and support, including recipes, information on symptoms and different types of intolerances to help you get the most from the test and make positive changes to your lifestyle.

Guides & resources: Each test includes a completely free 19-page comprehensive guide which will further explain your results and help you to feel better faster with easy to follow hints and tips from our team of nutritional therapists. In addition, you will also receive a 6-week food diary planner to help you optimise your diet.

Testing: We have now completed tests on over 400,000 samples received Worldwide. Our test requires a few of your hairs in order to provide results.

Our Promise: We offer 24-hour (Monday – Friday) customer support and advice. Our customer satisfaction is currently 99.5%. We also offer a 100% money-back guarantee on all tests.

Order today: Discover if a non-IgE-mediated food intolerance, food intolerance or food sensitivity is affecting your life.

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